Install on Windows

How to install Flameshot on Windows.

🔗 Installation on Windows

🔗 Stable version

🔗 Using package managers

Windows has few package managers which you can use to easily install and update applications. Here we list those that have Flameshot in their repository:

🔗 Winget

A quick introduction to WinGet can be found on Microsoft Documentations

winget install flameshot

🔗 Scoop

Flameshot can be installed using Scoop extras bucket:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop update
scoop install flameshot

🔗 Chocolatey

Flameshot is also available on Chocolatey, and can be installed using:

choco install flameshot

🔗 Manual installation

If you want to manually download and install the Windows version, you have to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the latest release on out Github repo
  2. Scroll down to find the "Assets" as shown in the picture below (it might be collapsed, so click on the triangle on the left side to open it)
  3. Find the Windows files. They have win64 in their names. The one that ends with .msi is the one that you can install, and the one that ends with .zip contains the portable that does not need installation. Portable is good for situations where you do not have administrative access to install software on that computer.

🔗 Development build (a.k.a nightly builds)

If you want to run Flameshot with the most cutting edge features, you can download a development version from here.