Key Bindings

Keyboard shortcuts for Flameshot.

🔗 Local

These shortcuts are available in GUI mode, meaning for example when you have ran flameshot gui command. In other words, these are the shortcuts that work inside the Flameshot application.

These shortcuts are the default keybindings, and can be changed by the user.

pSet the Pencil as paint tool
dSet the Line as paint tool
aSet the Arrow as paint tool
sSet Selection as paint tool
rSet the Rectangle as paint tool
cSet the Circle as paint tool
mSet the Marker as paint tool
tAdd text to your capture
bSet Pixalate as the paint tool
, , , Move selection 1px
Shift + , , , Resize selection 1px
EscQuit capture
Ctrl + mMove the selection area
Ctrl + cCopy to clipboard
Ctrl + sSave selection as a file
Ctrl + zUndo the last modification
Ctrl + Shift + zRedo the next modification
Ctrl + qLeave the capture screen
Ctrl + oChoose an app to open the capture
ReturnUpload the selection to Imgur
SpacebarToggle visibility of sidebar with options of the selected tool, color picker for the drawing color and history menu
Right ClickShow the color wheel
Mouse Wheel (scroll)Change the tool's thickness
Print screenCapture Screen
Shift + PrintScreenshot History
Ctrl + drag a handler of the selection areaPreserve the aspect ratio
Shift + drag a handler of the selection areaMirror re-dimension in the opposite handler.

You can change these default keybindings and more by opening the configuration, either by right-clicking on the tray icon or by running flameshot config, and navigating to Shortcuts tab:

Flameshot configuration window and Shortcuts tab

🔗 Global Shortcuts for Operating Systems

🔗 macOS

By default you can start taking a screenshot using Shift+CMD+x. To know all the shortcuts, right-click on the tray icon, select the Configurations and go to Shortcuts tab.

🔗 Windows

Typically in Windows installations the Prnt Scr should work out of the box.

🔗 Linux

Flameshot uses Print screen (Windows) and cmd-option-shift-4 (macOS) as default global hotkeys.

On Linux, Flameshot doesn't yet support Pr Scr out of the box, but with a bit of configuration you can set this up:

🔗 On KDE Plasma desktop

To make configuration easier, there's a file in the repository that more or less automates this process. This file will assign the following keys to the following actions by default:

Prt ScStart the Flameshot screenshot tool and take a screenshot
Ctrl + Prt ScWait for 3 seconds, then start the Flameshot screenshot tool and take a screenshot
Shift + Prt ScTake a full-screen (all monitors) screenshot and save it
Ctrl + Shift + Prt ScTake a full-screen (all monitors) screenshot and copy it to the clipboard

If you don't like the defaults, you can change them manually later.

Steps for using the configuration:

  1. The configuration file configures shortcuts so that Flameshot automatically saves (without opening the save dialog) screenshots to ~/Pictures/Screenshots folder. Make sure you have that folder by running the following command:

    mkdir --parents ~/Pictures/Screenshots

    (If you don't like the default location, you can skip this step and configure your preferred directory later.)

  2. Download the configuration file:

    cd ~/Desktop
  3. Go to System SettingsShortcutsCustom Shortcuts.

  4. If there's one, you'll need to disable an entry for Spectacle, the default KDE screenshot utility first because its shortcuts might collide with Flameshot's ones; so, just uncheck the Spectacle entry.

  5. Click EditImport..., navigate to the Desktop folder (or wherever you saved the configuration file) and open the configuration file.

  6. Now the Flameshot entry should appear in the list. Click Apply to apply the changes.

  7. If you want to change the defaults, you can expand the entry, select the appropriate action and modify it as you wish; the process is pretty mush self-explanatory.

🔗 On Ubuntu and other Gnome based distros

You can easily configure your 'print' keyboard shortcut to be assigned to Flameshot. Below an example to open Flameshot in GUI mode:

  1. Open SettingsDevicesKeyboardShortcuts.

  2. Search for 'print', and unbind the screen capture function by selecting it, and clicking backspace.

  3. Scroll down and click on the '+'.

  4. On 'Name', name it 'Flameshot' or 'PrintScreen'.

  5. Define the command as 'flameshot gui'.

  6. Select 'Define shortcut...'and click your keyboard Prnt Scr key.

Now you can use your default keyboard key to launch Flameshot.

For defining multiple shortcuts you can repeat the process above, and just change the command.

Some examples of commands are:

# Capture a region using the GUI, and have it automatically saved to your pictures folder when clicking the save button in GUI
flameshot gui --path /home/user/Pictures

# Capture the active monitor and save it automatically to your pictures folder
flameshot screen --path /home/user/Pictures

# Capture the full desktop (all monitors) and save it automatically to your pictures folder
flameshot full --path /home/user/Pictures

# Capture the region, copy to clipboard and at the same time write to file and pin the image
flameshot gui --clipboard --pin --path ~/Pictures