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Flameshot developer docs#

Thank you for your interest in developing flameshot. This developer documentation (hopefully) has an intuitive structure. It tries to describe what code is run when a user performs an action in Flameshot.


**Please read this entire page. It will make your life a whole lot easier when contributing to Flameshot. If you know exactly what you want to work on, you should look at FAQ **

Project structure#

Flameshot is built on C++/Qt5 with CMake as its build system. The source code is located under src/. The entrypoint is src/main.cpp.


Flameshot provides both a GUI and a CLI (the latter currently works only on Linux and macOS).

Build system#

The main cmake file is CMakeLists.txt in the project root. It includes some files from the cmake/ directory as well. These files together control some more general aspects of the build process, like project information, packaging, caching etc.

There is also the file src/CMakeLists.txt. It mostly defines how the source files are compiled into targets and how the external libraries are linked. It does some other stuff too. Currently, there isn't a clear separation of concerns between CMakeLists.txt and src/CMakeLists.txt. In the future we should refactor these files to make it more clear why each of them exists.

What happens when I launch flameshot?#

There are two ways to launch flameshot: daemon mode and single-action mode. In both modes, an instance of Flameshot is created via Flameshot::start(). Flameshot provides the high level API for interacting with flameshot; and its methods mimic the CLI subcommands a great deal. This object is a singleton, so it can only be created once. It is accessed as Flameshot::instance().


On Windows, only daemon mode is currently supported.

Single-action mode (via command line interface)#

Single-action mode (also called one-off mode) is triggered when flameshot is launched with a command line argument - for example as flameshot gui. As its name implies, it performs a single action, such as "take a screenshot interactively by opening a GUI" or "take a screenshot of the entire screen", etc. Afterwards, Flameshot quits.

Daemon mode#

This mode is triggered when the flameshot command is launched. In this mode, a flameshot process is started in the background. A system tray is displayed if the user hasn't disabled it in the config. In addition to Flameshot::start(), if the current process is the daemon, it also calls FlameshotDaemon::start() during initialization.

The daemon has the following purposes:

  • Run in the background, wait for the user to press a hotkey, and perform corresponding action.

    This is true for Windows and macOS, but not for Linux. On Linux, hotkeys are meant to be handled by the desktop environment or equivalent.

  • Provide a system tray that the user can click to initiate actions via context menu

  • Periodically check for updates and notify the user

  • Act as a host for persistent phenomena. Example: On X11 (linux), when a program inserts content into the clipboard, it must keep running so the content persists in the clipboard.


All of the above are user-configurable.


The class FlameshotDaemon handles all communication with the daemon. The class provides public static methods that are designed so that the caller does not need to know if the current process is a flameshot daemon or a single-action invocation of Flameshot. If the current process is the daemon, then the static methods of FlameshotDaemon will call the corresponding instance methods of the singleton. If not, the current process will communicate with the daemon process via D-Bus. Then, within the daemon process, those D-Bus calls will be translated into FlameshotDaemon instance method calls.


The configuration is handled by ConfigHandler. It is decoupled from any user interface, so it serves the configuration for both the GUI and CLI. All configuration settings recognized by the config files are defined as getters in this class. There are also setters for each setting, named as per the usual convention. For example, the setting savePath has a getter named savePath and a setter named setSavePath. Before working on a new config setting for flameshot, please read this FAQ entry.

Interesting notes#

  • ConfigHandler is based on QSettings
  • The configuration uses the ini format
  • The configuration is automatically reloaded when the config file changes


  • Always use &Class::signal and &Class::slot instead of SIGNAL(signal()) and SLOT(slot()). This usually provides better code introspection and makes refactoring easier and less error-prone.